Ob Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Immun-Präparate oder durchdachte Nährstoff-Kombinationen – die apothekenexklusiven Additiva Nahrungsergänzungsmittel von Dr. Scheffler punkten durch ausgewählte Inhaltsstoffe, praktische Darreichungsformen und eine gute Verträglichkeit. Informieren Sie sich hier über das gesamte Sortiment.

Overview of ADDITIVA® minerals

The body cannot produce minerals on its own. Instead, it can only absorb them through food.1 A varied diet is therefore necessary to obtain adequate mineral levels. ADDITIVA® mineral products can be a useful addition to a balanced diet in certain periods of life.

Modern mineral products

The ADDITIVA® Mineral product range from Dr. Scheffler features convenient dosage forms, individual ingredients concentrations, and combinations tailored to specific requirements. The advanced nutritional supplements ensure an adequate supply of magnesium and calcium as required.


Find out which mineral products are best for you!

ADDITIVA® Magnesium

In certain periods of life

ADDITIVA® Magnesium products provide support during times of high activity and stress, and can prevent magnesium deficiency. Learn more about the different dosage forms and ingredient levels in the ADDITIVA® Magnesium range.

Go to magnesium

ADDITIVA® Calcium + vitamin D3 + K2

Trio of vital nutrients

Calcium is a mineral essential for bone health.2ADDITIVA® Calcium 500 mg + D3 + K2 drinking granules also contain vitamins K2 and D3, which enhance the absorption of the valuable mineral into the bones.

Go to calcium

1Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Bewertung von Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen in Lebensmitteln. [Evaluation of Vitamins and Minerals in Foods.] URL: www.bfr.bund.de/de/bewertung_von_vitaminen_und_mineralstoffen_in_lebensmitteln-54416.html (10.05.2021).
2Techniker Krankenkasse: Für den Stoffwechsel unentbehrlich. [Essential for the metabolism.] URL: www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/ernaehrung/essen-und-wissen/mineralstoffe-spurenelemente-2004778 (10.05.2021).