ADDITIVA® Calcium 500 mg + vitamin D3 + K2
Everyone knows that calcium is important for healthy bones. But the mineral can do much more. It not only strengthens the skeleton, but is also important for muscle and nerve functions, blood clotting, and many other metabolic processes.1ADDITIVA® Calcium drinking granules not only provide the body with sufficient calcium, but also with the important vitamins D3 and K2. Learn more about the product with the proven effective trio of vital nutrients for healthy bones.

ADDITIVA® Calcium, vitamin D3 and K2
When taken daily, refreshing lemon-flavored ADDITIVA® Calcium + vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 helps ensure an adequate supply calcium and vitamins D3 and K2 as required.
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Trio of vital nutrients for strong bones
The human body is made up of two percent calcium – for a 165 lb person, this corresponds to around 3.3 lb. This makes calcium the mineral that is most strongly represented in the body. The mineral is particularly necessary for forming bones and teeth. Humans absorb calcium through food. This is best achieved by eating dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, and certain vegetables such as broccoli, kale and rocket.2
Menopausalwomen in particular should keep an eye on their calcium requirements, as the hormonal changes accelerate the decalcification process of the bones. The requirement may also increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, increased consumption of coffee or alcohol can increase the likelihood of a calcium deficiency. People who eat a vegan diet or are lactose intolerant should also pay special attention to their calcium intake. All these groups of people can benefit from nutritional supplements containing calcium and vitamins D3 and K2.
Studies show that vitamins D3 and K2 play a crucial role in calcium metabolism, as they enable the mineral to be deposited in the bone substance in the first place.3,4
Vitamin D3 also improves calcium absorption. This means that if calcium is absorbed through the diet or a nutritional supplement, vitamin D3 will help a higher proportion of it reaching the bones. This not only has a positive effect on bone density, but at the same time prevents the mineral from circulating in the bloodstream unused, which may increase the likelihood of vascular deposits.

Do you need to uptake more minerals?
Discover the magnesium products in the ADDITIVA® mineral range.
Frequently asked questions
What is calcium?
Mainly stored in the bone system, calcium is an important mineral for the body. It ensures strong teeth and bones. Calcium is also essential for the transmission of stimuli in muscles and nerves, energy metabolism and blood clotting.
How does the body absorb calcium?
Humans can only absorb the mineral calcium through food. Particularly calcium-rich foods include dairy products and green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.5
What are ADDITIVA® Calcium + vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 drinking granules used for?
Calcium is essential for healthy bones. By taking the combination of vital nutrients, you can provide your body with the required amount of calcium. In addition, vitamins D3 and K2 enhance the metabolism of the mineral.
How should ADDITIVA® Calcium + vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 be taken?
Pour the contents of one sachet into a glass and fill it with 1 cup of cold water, then stir and enjoy the refreshing drink preparation.
How many sachets are in a pack?
ADDITIVA® Calcium + vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 is available in packs of 20 or 60 sachets.
1Deutscher Apotheker Verlag Dr. Roland Schmiedel GmbH & Co. KG: Calcium: Funktionen, Bioverfügbarkeit und Versorgung. [Calcium: Functions, Bioavailability and Supply] URL: www.deutsche-apotheker-zeitung.de/daz-az/2005/daz-24-2005/uid-14103 (28.04.2021).
2German Nutrition Society (DGE): Ausgewählte Fragen und Antworten zu Calcium. [Selected Questions and Answers about Calcium] URL: www.dge.de/wissenschaft/weitere-publikationen/faqs/calcium/ (12.05.2021).
3Shea, M. K./Booth, S. L.: “Role of Vitamin K in the Regulation of Calcification.” In: International Congress Series (2007) No. 1297. S. 165-178.
4Braam, L. A. u. a.: “Vitamin K1 Supplementation Retards Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women Between 50 and 60 Years of Age.“ In: Calcified Tissue International 73 (2003) No. 1. S. 21-26.
5Techniker Krankenkasse: Für den Stoffwechsel unentbehrlich. [Essential for the metabolism.] URL: www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/ernaehrung/essen-und-wissen/mineralstoffe-spurenelemente-2004778 (30.04.2021).