Overview of ADDITIVA® vitamin products
Vitamins are essential for the human body. They are involved in vital metabolic processes and protect the cells from oxidative stress.1ADDITIVA® brand advanced vitamin products ensure that you get an adequate supply for your needs.
ADDITIVA® – Taste the difference.
ADDITIVA® vitamin products from Dr. Scheffler are very well tolerated and feature effective ingredient combinations and an outstanding taste. Available exclusively in pharmacies.
ADDITIVA® B vitamins
More energy
The eight B complex vitamins support many different metabolic processes. This vitamin group is essential for energy metabolism.2 The ADDITIVA® vitamin B products are available as convenient drinking ampoules or as film-coated tablets containing a comprehensive vitamin B complex .
ADDITIVA® Vitamin D3
Ensures an adequate supply of the sun vitamin as required
Vitamin D3 is essential to life and can only be produced in an adequate form through sunlight. It cannot be obtained exclusively through food.3 Nutritional supplements can help: just one ADDITIVA® Osteogard 800 IU vitamin D3 tablet contains the daily recommended amount of the sun vitamin.
ADDITIVA® Vitamin C 1000 mg
Power for your immune system
Vitamin C is essential to human life. It is required for vital functions, such as maintaining a healthy immune system.4ADDITIVA® Vitamin C 1000 mg is a medicinal product that can correct a vitamin C deficiency by providing the body with an extra dose of the valuable vitamin.
1Techniker Krankenkasse: Vitamine: Wichtig für einen funktionierenden Stoffwechsel [Vitamins: Important for a Well-functioning Metabolism] (1/14). URL: www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/ernaehrung/essen-und-wissen/vitamine-wichtig-fuer-stoffwechsel-2004728 (10.05.2021).
2German Nutrition Society (DGE): Vitamin B12. URL: www.dge.de/gesunde-ernaehrung/faq/vitamin-b12/ (24.07.2024).
3Robert Koch Institute: Antworten des Robert Koch-Instituts auf häufig gestellte Fragen zu Vitamin D. [Answers from the Robert Koch Institute to Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin D. URL: www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/Vitamin_D/Vitamin_D_FAQ-Liste.html (10.05.2021).
4German Nutrition Society (DGE): Ausgewählte Fragen und Antworten zu Vitamin C. [Selected Questions and Answers about Vitamin C.] URL: www.dge.de/gesunde-ernaehrung/faq/vitamin-c/ (24.07.2024).