ADDITIVA® Osteogard 800 i.E. vitamin D3 Tablets
Vitamin D is essential to life. It enhances calcium absorption, contributes to bone health, and is involved in many other metabolic processes.1ADDITIVA® Osteogard 800 IU vitamin D3 tablets help to ensure an adequate supply of the sun vitamin D3 as required. Learn more about the product here.
ADDITIVA® Vitamin D3 tablets
One daily ADDITIVA® Osteogard 800 IU vitamin D3 helps ensure an adequate supply of the essential sun vitamin D3 as required.
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Vitamin D3: What is the sunshine vitamin all about?
Vitamin D is the collective term for several fat-soluble vitamins. The most important form for us humans is vitamin D3.2 Since the body needs sunlight to produce most of it, it is also referred to as the sun vitamin.3
However, around 60 percent of Germans are deficient in vitamin D3.4 Many people these days live and work almost entirely indoors. What’s more, there is often not enough sunlight in this region to meet vitamin D requirements. One ADDITIVA Osteogard 800 IU vitamin D3 tablet contains the daily recommended amount of the sun vitamin and actively supplies the body with the required amount of vitamin D3. .
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Frequently asked questions
What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is the umbrella term for a variety of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin D3.
How does the body absorb vitamin D3?
The body produces the majority of this when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D3 deficiency is common in the population.7
What are vitamin D3 tablets used for?
Vitamin D3 is important for the immune system and for healthy teeth and bones, as well as supporting muscle functions.
How should ADDITIVA® Osteogard 800 i.E. vitamin D3 Tablets be taken?
Take one vitamin D3 tablet once a day with fluid.
How many tablets are in a dispenser?
The handy dispenser contains 200 tablets.
1Robert Koch Institute: Antworten des Robert Koch-Instituts auf häufig gestellte Fragen zu Vitamin D. [Answers from the Robert Koch Institute to Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin D.] URL: (06.04.2021).
3AOK-Bundesverband GbR: Vitamin D: Was bringt das Sonnenvitamin wirklich? [Vitamin D: What Are the Actual Benefits of the Sun Vitamin?] URL: (06.04.2021).
4Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH: 10 Minuten täglich an die Sonne - im Winter Vitamin D. [10 Minutes a Day in the Sun – Vitamin D in Winter.] URL: (06.04.2021).
5Dachverband Osteologie e.V.: DVO-Leitlinie 2017 zur Prophylaxe, Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoporose bei postmenopausalen Frauen und bei Männern. [DVO 2017 Guideline 2017 on Prophylaxis, Diagnosis and Therapy of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women and in Men.] URL: (10.05.2021).
6German Nutrition Society (DGE): Vitamin D (Calciferole). [Vitamin D (Calciferols).] URL: (10.05.2021).
7Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH: 10 Minuten täglich an die Sonne - im Winter Vitamin D. [10 Minutes a Day in the Sun – Vitamin D in Winter.] URL: (06.04.2021).