Standort der Krüger Group


Dr. B. Scheffler Nachfolger
GmbH & Co. KG

Senefelderstr. 44
51469 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
T +49 2202 540-47

Made in Germany. Made in Bergisch Gladbach.

The headquarters of Dr. Scheffler are located a few kilometers east of Cologne, Germany. As part of the KRÜGER GROUP, one of the leading German food manufacturers, it enjoys excellent synergies in the areas of development, production, and logistics.

Based in Bergisch Gladbach, the company produces its own brands Additiva and Rugard, available exclusively in pharmacies, in addition to specific medicinal products. Dr. Scheffler, a specialist in medicines, is responsible for the development and production of drinking granules, instant products, effervescent tablets, capsules, and chewable tablets. For contract manufacturing, Dr. Scheffler draws on knowledge and resources from the Krüger Group, allowing him to fulfill the highest standards. In-depth expertise resulting from decades of successful projects is available for OTC, nutritional supplements such as vitamins or minerals, and cosmetics. Dr. Scheffler’s customers can rely on state-of-the-art production technologies, maximum quality requirements – backed by all relevant certifications – and quick decision-making processes to ensure efficient and successful cooperation. And the same goes for the international business: Dr. Scheffler now supplies 34 countries and is effectively helping to open up new markets at home and abroad.